SEDEX – Supplier Ethical Data Exchange
Nothing is more important to us and our customers than clean business practices. This is why since 2011, Schoepe Display has been a member of SEDEX (Supplier Ethical Data Exchange – Exchange of ethical supplier data).
SEDEX was founded by 23 international companies, including Beiersdorf, Coca Cola, Procter & Gamble and Unilever. Its aim is to set out globally uniform standards for all suppliers. The scope includes the four areas of handling of employees, health & safety, the environment and clean business practices.
At Schoepe Display, we have responded to a total of well over one hundred questions in all four areas as part of the self-disclosure and, as the first customer, our data was provided to Beiersdorf AG. We can also ensure access at any time for all other customers via our Internet platform.
Further information can be found at: www.sedexglobal.com