Schoepe Displays – Sustainably positioned.
The green added value for customers and the environment.

1. Focus on what matters most: Schoepe Sustainability Management
With the “Social Responsibility Audit” based on industry standard DIN ISO 26000 and certified by GfN – Gesellschaft für Nachhaltigkeit mbH – we have created the framework for our holistic sustainability management approach. This includes our long-standing Quality Management System (DIN EN ISO 9001), the Environmental Management System (DIN EN ISO 14001) and the Energy Management System (DIN EN ISO 50001), which we have audited and certified on an annual basis by TÜV NORD. The 3R Principle – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle – is a permanent feature at Schoepe Display.

2. One world, one goal: Climate-neutral production
We have been producing in line with the idea of a “One World Consumption” approach to consuming resources since 2020 and have been working tirelessly for years to reduce our CO2 emissions. We offset the carbon dioxide emissions that we cannot reduce.

3. FSC® certification: Making sure the world has air to breathe
Schoepe Display is certified according to FSC® C101968 as an environmentally conscious and forward-looking company. In this way, we are doing our bit to preserve natural habitats by way of responsible forest management and the ecological use of cellulose raw materials. All Schoepe displays are available with FSC® certification and the printed FSC® logo upon request.

4. Produce cleanly, act cleanly: Ethical responsibility
Clean business practices are important to us and our customers. Schoepe Display has, therefore, been a member of SEDEX (Supplier Ethical Data Exchange) since June 2011 to meet its social and ethical responsibilities, and to operate in accordance with the requirements of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and to promote justice, as well as human- and labour rights.

5. Nature as a resource: Alternative energy management
We produce with the help of positive energy to effectively protect the environment. At Schoepe Display, we have been using green electricity exclusively for years, which is CO2-free and which is generated from the renewable energy sources of water, wind or sun. In Dahme and Dahlewitz, we use natural gas – a comparatively environmentally friendly option – for heating.

6. Think global, act local: Society and the common good in view
We focus on sustainability by strengthening the region. This is the only way to ensure that supply and delivery are effective and environmentally friendly. Schoepe Display bears regional responsibility for southern Brandenburg and builds on resources from Germany and Europe based on the principles of a circular economy and a fair production chain. We stand for these quality characteristics and our expertise in production and development, which have been continuously expanded over decades.

7. Creating CO2 neutrality: Signed and sealed
Schoepe Display GmbH offsets its CO2 emissions that arise during production – and which cannot be avoided – via “atmosfair”. This non-profit organisation runs projects according to the rules of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) anchored in the Kyoto Protocol and the international “Gold Standard”. In specific terms, we support the development of cooking systems for families in Nigeria, the generation of electricity from mustard residues in India and the construction of biogas plants in Kenya. We offset a further 20 tonnes of greenhouse gases by rewetting moors in our home state of Brandenburg – all certified by the Brandenburg Ministry for Rural Development, Environment and Agriculture.

8. Showing genuine appreciation: the right approach to valuing our employees
We know: Our employees are our most important resource. That is why a sense of appreciation and numerous measures to strengthen our appeal as an employer are among the major efforts that we cultivate. This is because healthy and motivated employees are the key to our success.

9. Communication: Corporate culture as the key to success
By way of transparency and the active management of CSR, we have firmly anchored the topic of sustainability in our company’s DNA. During employee workshops, we have worked together and across different levels to develop more than 140 measures to ensure greater economical, ecological and social corporate governance.

10. Broadening horizons: Our social commitment
We also look where others prefer to turn a blind eye – and take responsibility vis-a-vis society where people need support. That is why we support numerous social projects, such as the “Kältehilfe” for the homeless at the shelters operated by the organisation Berliner Stadtmission e.V., as well as the cancer initiative “Rock & Rhythmen gegen Krebs” and the animal park “Heimattierpark Dahme”. We support the volunteer fire brigades in Dahme/Mark, Dahlewitz and Blankenfelde, as well as the Herbert Tschäpe secondary school in Dahlewitz.