Large-scale action successfully delivered

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Bronze medal in the EcoVadis Sustainability Rating

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Change of our sales management

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We congratulate on the
10th championship title

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Full of creativity ...

... produced with our laser plotter
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Support for the European Schools Football Championship

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display Superstar Award 2023

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Top award for creative solution

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Tony’s and Schoepe –
the perfect match!

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Display made easy -

with our customer portal Schoepedia.

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Great fun

Our Easter present this year was very well received by our customers.

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display Superstar Award 2022

These Schoepe displays have been awarded!

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Strategic alliance

Van Genechten Packaging and Schoepe Display bolster their competence area in POS placements with a strategic partnership.

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Effective advertising in the pharmacy

Article from display magazine, issue 03/2022

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pappe3D – Our new online end customer store

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Sustainable sales promotion

Article from display magazine, issue 02/2022

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War in Europe

Statement by our Managing Partner Andreas Grathwohl

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Shower of precious metals

Great rejoicing at the display SUPERSTAR Award 2021 - and plenty of precious metal.

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Farewell to Jürgen Schoepe

We mourn the death of our company founder and long-time managing director and shareholder Jürgen Schoepe.

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Schoepe Display supports the children's fund UNICEF.

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Recertification passed

Continued printing at the highest level.

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Great Honour

Schoepe Display wins gold at the German Packaging Award 2021!

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Visit to the production site in Dahme/Mark

Factory tour with the Minister of the Interior of the Federal State of Brandenburg

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Summer feelings at the POS

Interview with Steffen Kottwitz in display magazine.

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Fresh ideas

Benjamin Ziegert is our new sales representative for Northern Germany.

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Humming with us

100,000 hardworking new employees now enliven our two sites.

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You've got it kicking!

Playing is fun!
This was the motto of our Easter present this year.

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Historic shortage

of cartonboard and corrugated board leads to extended delivery times and short-term price adjustments.

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Welcome to Night City

Schoepe Display implements 360 degree POS campaign for Cyberpunk 2077.

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Green displays for the Blue planet

Schoepe Display produces CO2-neutral displays for the PoS

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Schoepe Display Kaffeetasse

Heiß begehrt

Unsere Displays tragen die grüne Botschaft smart an den Point of Sale. Weil uns der Planet nicht Bohne ist.

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Nachhaltigkeit bei Schoepe Display - Corporate Social Responsibility Audit

Nachhaltig aufgestellt

Vom Reden zum Handeln: Wir leben Verantwortung für das Klima und die Gesellschaft und produzieren seit 2020 vollständig CO2-neutral.


Superstar 2019 Gewinner mit Siegel

Ausgezeichnet – in vier Kategorien!

Was für ein Erfolg! Auch in diesem Jahr gehören wir zu den höchstdotierten Displayern des Superstar 2019.

Wir sind stolz wie Oskar!


Bambino Mio Display Nachrichten

Umweltfreundlich & kinderleicht

Das display Magazin berichtet in seiner Ausgabe 6, vom Dezember/ Januar 2019, von der Zusammenarbeit zwischen Schoepe Display und der britischen Marke Bambino Mio.


Tag der offenen Tür News Teaser

Look behind the scenes

All visitors were pleasantly surprised at how big, professional and interesting the production and logistics at Schoepe Display are. We certainly got some visitors excited about our company.

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Superstar 2019 Gewinner mit Siegel

Ausgezeichnet – in vier Kategorien!

Was für ein Erfolg! Auch in diesem Jahr gehören wir zu den höchstdotierten Displayern des Superstar 2019.

Wir sind stolz wie Oskar!


Bambino Mio Display Nachrichten

Umweltfreundlich & kinderleicht

Das display Magazin berichtet in seiner Ausgabe 6, vom Dezember/ Januar 2019, von der Zusammenarbeit zwischen Schoepe Display und der britischen Marke Bambino Mio.


Superstars 2017

Our Superstars 2017

The display Superstars 2017 were awarded on 19th October 2017 in Düsseldorf. And we have been successful like never before.

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POPAI Silber Gewinner 2017

Howgh - the jury has spoken

At this year’s POPAI Awards Gala, which took place on July 3 in Düsseldorf, we took home two statues for our displays.


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POPAI 2017 - Nominierungen

POPAI D-A-CH Awards 2017

We entered this year’s POPAI competition, held in Düsseldorf as part of the EuroShop (March 5 to March 9, 2017), with three displays. Two of our displays were nominated for an award.

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Gold und Silber Superstars - Caparol und Ravensburger

Our Superstars 2016

On 3 November 2016, this year's display SUPERSTARS were awarded on the Frankfurt exhibition grounds. 86 displays were nominated – and Schoepe Display received two SUPERSTARS during the award ceremony.

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TÜV Nord Siegel für Schoepe Display

Energy management system successfully installed

Reducing energy use, safeguarding resources, taking responsibility for humans and the environment – Schoepe Display is setting itself these challenges. By voluntarily installing an energy management system in accordance with DIN EN ISO 50001:2011, we have completed the full range of our certification. Likewise, we simultaneously re-certified our environmental management system to German standard DIN EN ISO 14001:2009.

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Zertifizierung Digitaldruck

Recertified for digital printing on corrugated board

Being the first company in the world certified for the process of digital printing on corrugated board by the Fogra Forschungsgesellschaft Druck e. V.  in accordance with Process Standard Digital printing (PSD) since 2013, we have always placed emphasis on quality. Therefore we have renewed our PSD certification on 1st July 2015.

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Großer Preis des Mittelstandes

Ausgezeichnet als
Premier 2014

Die Jury der Oskar-Patzelt Stiftung hat einstimmig entschieden. Die Schoepe Display bekommt die höchste Auszeichnung des Mittelstandes. Im Rahmen des Bundesball am 25.10.2014 im Maritim Hotel Berlin hieß es: „Die Auszeichnung „Premier“ geht nach Brandenburg an die Schoepe Display GmbH. Wir bitten Herrn Jürgen Schoepe nach vorne.“

Radeberger Präsentverpackung

1 x Gold, 1 x Silber
für Schoepe Display

Im Rahmen der viscom, internationale Fachmesse für visuelle Kommunikation, Technik und Design, die vom 05. bis 07.11.2014 in Frankfurt/Main stattfand, vergab die Fachzeitschrift "Display" auch in diesem Jahr wieder den Superstar.