You've finally found us – sustainable collaboration with Tony's Chocolonely
Tony's Chocolonely is a Dutch chocolate brand with a strong social mission: a chocolate industry that is 100% free of modern slavery and illegal child labour. The company is committed to fair wages and good working conditions for farmers and workers involved in the production of chocolate. To achieve this goal, the company works closely with its suppliers and partners to ensure that all ingredients are sourced ethically and sustainably. The company uses distinctive branding and marketing to draw attention to the ills of the industry and raise consumer awareness to the importance of ethical consumption. Schoepe Display's corporate actions are based on the three columns of quality, environment, ethics and social responsibility.
Man könnte also sagen: Tony’s und Schoepe – the perfect match!
Unsere Aufgabe war es, die Mission unseres Kunden in einem Display zu visualisieren, dass die Shopper am POS aufmerksamkeitsstark anspricht. Und natürlich sollte auch die leckere Schokolade verkauft werden. Die Zusammenarbeit kann man mit den Worten des Displays zusammenfassen: Endlich hast du uns gefunden!
You can find more information about Tony's Chocolonely here: