Open house 2019
On Saturday, 15.06.2019 from 10am to 2pm, Schoepe Display celebrated its 35th anniversary with an open house and invited all interested parties to our production site in Dahme/Mark.

Factory tours through production led from incoming goods via machine shop, gluing, manual work to shipping for an entry of one Euro. For this Euro, not only did visitors get a glimpse behind the scenes, they also received a soft drink and a piece of cake or a sausage. So body and soul got their money's worth.
The Dahme volunteer fire department and the animal park were also present on site to give a little insight and to answer questions.
At the end of the tour interested people could take flyers on which we present our offered professions. If anyone had a question, our current apprentices could help with information.
Help for the Heimattierpark Dahme/Mark
The revenue from the entrance fee was given in full as a donation to the local animal park.

Von links nach rechts: Marco Dastig (Ortsvorsteher - Amt Dahme/Mark), Thomas Willweber (Bürgermeister - Amt Dahme/Mark), Andreas Grathwohl (Geschäftsführer - Schoepe Display GmbH), David Kaluza (Amtsdirektor - Amt Dahme/Mark)